Intesa Sanpaolo and Confapi Napoli sign an agreement to support local SMEs

Intesa Sanpaolo and Confapi Napoli sign an agreement to support

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Intesa Sanpaolo and Confapi Naples have signed a agreement to support associated companies of the territory to face the current economic context.

The collaboration also wants to offer prioritize sustainable investment, through ad hoc lines of financing, initiatives to encourage the use of funds from the PNRR, and the digitization of company processes thanks to a network of specialized partners.

The protocol was signed in the bank’s historic headquarters in via Toledo by Joseph NargiRegional Director of Campania, Calabria and Sicily of Intesa Sanpaolo, e Raffaele BrownPresident of Confapi Naples.

For the benefit of businesses there is also Incent Nowthe credit institution’s web platform created in partnership with Deloitte, which allows companies to obtain information relating to the measures and tenders made public by national and European institutional bodies in the context of planning of the PNRR.

The protocol also dedicates particular Attention to the development offemale entrepreneurship and to the programme “I’m staying in the South”. In this context, the synergies between the leading Italian banking group and Confapi Napoli also include the subsidized loans provided for working mothers and students.

“This agreement is part of the broader plan that the Bank dedicates to the development of the territories in which it operates. Our Group is concretely supporting the Campania economy, in fact we have already guaranteed liquidity of over one billion euros to companies in the region”, he explained Joseph NargiRegional Director of Campania, Calabria and Sicily of Intesa Sanpaolo, also citing other initiatives such as the Crescibusiness program and the Development Chain program.

“With the serious economic crisis that we are all called to face, it becomes increasingly urgent to provide new support tools to our many associates”, he said Raffaele BrownPresident of Confapi Napoli, underlining that “thanks to this protocol, signed with a leading banking institution, Confapi wants to give a clear signal and concrete help to this whole world which is the real key to the Italian economy”.
