Secret documents were found in his mansion! Trump calls for end of investigation

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Former President Donald Trump has appealed to Attorney General Merrick Garland after secret documents were revealed in the office and residence of US President Joe Biden from his term as vice president from 2009 to 2017. Trump requested from Garland to terminate the investigation opened against him after the FBI found a large number of classified documents on August 8, 2022, at the Mar-a-Lago mansion in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump argued that the ongoing investigation should be stopped because “he did everything right”.

In November last year, Garland appointed former war crimes prosecutor Jack Smith as special prosecutor to investigate classified documents found at Trump’s Florida residence and his role in the Congressional raid.

Special prosecutor appointed over classified documents from Biden’s residence and office
Garland appointed Robert Hur, a veteran of counter-terrorism, corporate fraud and appeals, as special counsel to lead the investigation into classified documents found in Biden’s office and residence.


“Confidential documents” from the Vice Presidency were found in Biden’s office in the capital Washington DC while he was serving as an honorary professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, and in the garage of his residence in Wilmington, Delaware.
It was shared that secret documents found in the office in Washington DC included intelligence and briefing notes, including topics such as Ukraine, Iran and England. (UAV)
