the ideal tool to clean up a Mac

the ideal tool to clean up a Mac

Your Mac is getting slower and slower? It is probably cluttered with useless, temporary or duplicate files. Use Mac Washing Machine X9, a simple and effective specialized software to thoroughly clean it and restore it to full strength!

Article sponsored by Intego

You’ve probably noticed it already: no matter how good it is on day one, when it comes out of the box, a Mac always ends up getting slower over time. This is not a problem of wear – apart from the fan which cools its processor – there are almost no more mechanical elements in a modern computer. In fact, the concern is software: it is due both to the operating system, macOS, which continues to grow version after version, to the applications that you install, which always take up more space, to the files that you create, that you recover and save (office documents, photos, videos, music, etc.), but also to the countless, practically invisible temporary elements that come from our Internet browsing – the famous cache files. Day after day, week after week, month after month, all these files multiply and pile up on your Mac, cluttering its storage device (hard disk or SSD) to the point of slowing it down. In addition, without even talking about slowness, your storage space may simply be saturated in the long term, which will prevent you from saving an important file when you need it, for lack of available space…

On paper, the solution is simple: all you have to do is clean your Mac to get rid of all those unnecessary files. In practice, it’s a different story. Because if you can actually embark on a manual cleaning by looking for all the “bulky” yourself to remove them, the task is more tedious and much more complex than one might imagine at first glance. Granted, you’ll find some obvious stuff quite easily – a video you won’t watch anymore, an outdated document you won’t use anymore, a downloaded app you never use, and so on. –, you will miss a host of files that are much more difficult to find. And, in the end, your little cleaning will have practically no beneficial effect. You will have just wasted time, pushing back – a little – the saturation deadline.

Mac Washing Machine X9: the cleaning tool that tracks down all unnecessary files

In fact, the best solution is to use software specialized in cleaning, such as Mac Washing Machine X9. Developed by Intego, an expert publisher of Mac security solutions since 1997, this reputable utility takes care of cleaning your computer automatically, eliminating all unnecessary files, detecting duplicates and even going so far as to tidy up your Desktop, your Dock, and your folders. In short, a highly qualified maintenance agent who takes care of everything for you to keep your precious Mac in top shape!

© Intego

Entirely in French, Mac Washing Machine X9 is particularly easy to use. Once launched, it performs a thorough examination of your Mac to find all the unnecessary items that are cluttering up storage space, whether they are unused applications, duplicates or temporary files, even if they are nested in the depths of the system. So much time saved compared to manual cleaning! Then all you have to do is validate his cleaning proposals so that he can start cleaning up. You have very simple settings, in the form of switches, to refine your sorting and keep control over your actions. Mac Washing Machine X9 also shows you the applications you use more or less often, to place or remove them from your Dock. It even knows how to create thematic folders to store scattered items and help you find them easily by organizing your desktop. Mac Washing Machine X9 puts an end to clutter on your Mac!

© Intego

Mac Washing Machine X9: the ultimate solution to keep a Mac always new

Offered as part of the security suite Mac Premium Bundle X9 which includes other utilities (antivirus,fire, backup etc.), Mac Washing Machine Secure X9 is also available separately, in standalone mode, at a lower price. By using Mac Washing Machine X9 regularly, you’ll be sure to have a Mac that’s always clean, responsive, with free space to save the things you need.

Interested in Mac Washing Machine X9? So take advantage of Intego’s exceptional offer to buy it at a lower price: indeed, Mac Washing Machine X9 is currently offered at only 19.99 euros instead of 49.99 euros, its usual price, i.e. with a 60% reduction. An opportunity not to be missed if you want to find and keep your Mac as new!

Buy Mac Washing Machine X9 on sale

© Intego

Article sponsored by Intego
