The best foods for the flu

The best foods for the flu

Food is a good way to boost your immunity to prevent the flu but also when you have caught it. What foods to eat before or during a flu? Are there miracle foods? Foods to avoid?

When the flu circulates, it is good to put all the chances on your side to escape this virus which causes chaos! Food is a great way to boost your immunity in prevention and in curative. What are flu-fighting foods? Do they really exist? What foods to eat if you have the flu ? On the contrary which to avoid ? Advice with Dr Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayache, nutritionist.

What foods to eat when you have the flu?

“Once you’re tired and have the flu, you usually eat whatever you want” emphasizes Dr. Ayache-Chicheportiche. A good thing since “if you listen to your body, it tells you what you need and you naturally leads to light, fresh and easily digestible foods which will give some energy without being too heavy. Are to be preferred:

  • foods that hydrate “especially when you have fever to fight against the mechanisms of dehydration” : vegetables and fruits rich in water (cucumber, zucchini, carambola, grapefruit, lemon…).
  • dairy products
  • raw or cooked fruits and vegetables (compotes, juices, soups, etc.)

What foods to avoid with the flu?

When you have the flu “we must avoid dishes that are too fatty, too rich and too sweet, which are never pleasant for the digestion” answers the doctor. Flu symptoms like those of other viruses can cause very unpleasant digestive symptoms (nausea for example). Finally, it is recommended toavoid alcohol. Forget the famous rum grog and replace it with an alcohol-free and 100% natural version with cinnamon, lemon…

What foods to eat to prevent the flu?

Let’s be clear: there is no miracle foods. In other words, none will magically protect you from the flu virus (or other winter viruses). “Prevention should not be reduced to the plate, but to a way of life in the broad sense” explains our interlocutor. It is important to have a regular physical activity “because it would tend to increase our immunity a little” ; of reduce chronic stress “which parasitizes our life and produces a lot of cortisol which could reduce and limit the reactions of the cells involved in our immunity” and of get enough sleep and in good condition “to limit the risk of infection”. On the food side, Dr. Chicheportiche-Ayache advises to favor:

  • foods rich in tryptophan : almond, banana, milk, chocolate (especially dark). Tryptophan is the metabolic precursor of melatonin, which strengthens the immune system.
  • foods naturally rich in probiotics : yogurt, pickle, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh. “They will feed the gut microbiota which plays an important role in immunity.”
  • foods with prebiotic effects: whole grains, flax seeds, chia seeds, cabbage, broccoli, artichokes, onions. “They will give fibers that will nourish the microorganisms of the intestinal microbiota.”
  • foods rich in micronutrients that promote immunity (vitamin C, D, zinc, vitamin A and E).
  • raw and organic food products : “There is no direct link with immunity but the body would be in better conditions” to deal with winter viruses.

Foods rich in vitamin C against the flu

In prevention or during the flu, maximize the consumption of food rich in vitamin C: “It boosts immunity and reduces the field of fatigue conducive to infections” argues the nutritionist doctor before recalling that fruits are the first source of natural vitamin C. It is also found in:

  • Cassis
  • Citrus
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Pepper
  • Parsley
  • Kale
  • Broccoli

“We can also make acerola cures whose vitamin C content is much higher than all our citrus fruits.”

Foods rich in vitamin D against the flu

“Vitamin D acts almost like a hormone and is going to have a impact on immunity. We have to make sure that we don’t start the winter season with an insufficiency or a deficiency” explains our interlocutor. Among the foods rich in vitamin D to put on the menu if you have the flu (or in prevention):

  • Yellowegg
  • Butter
  • Oily fish (salmon, sardines, etc.)
  • Dairy products high in fat

Foods rich in zinc against the flu

Zinc is a micronutrient important role in immunity. Goldwe can’t store it so regular intakes are needed. explains Dr. Chicheportiche-Ayache. It is mainly found in animal proteins:

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Egg
  • Sea product
  • Oysters

Foods rich in vitamin E and A, antioxidants

Vitamins E and A have interesting antioxidant properties in preventing infections including the flu: “The antioxidant effect will limit the impact of substances harmful to the body. It’s not directly related to immunity but it will create a less weakened ground.” explains the doctor. Vitamin E is present in vegetal oils and in oilseeds such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts as well as in avocado. Vitamin A is available as retinol in fish livers and farm animals; and as beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, dandelions, mixed vegetables, parsley, lettuce, spinach.

Thanks to Dr Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayache, nutritionist doctor.
