Renewal of school contracts, many ANIEF proposals to ARAN

Schools 17 billion to schools to digitize classes Anief penalty

(Finance) – The negotiating table for the renewal of the 2019-21 CCNL on the regulatory part has met. “Few changes are proposed from the ARAN – reads a note – but there are many proposals for integration and modification of the text presented from the Anief on all sectors involved: from the economic treatment of the DSGA to leave for women victims of violence including, for example, also meal vouchers for ATA staff. Part of the proposals also concerned universities, research institutions and Afam”.

And precisely to arrive at a draft shared as much as possible and make the necessary changes to the text proposed by ARAN, it was decided to plan a three-day meetings, from 17 January to 19 January.

“Anief will continue to make proposals for improvements to the text to improve the contractual conditions of personnel in the school, university and research sector. – he comments Marcellus Pacificus, National President Anief – the real obstacle to overcome is the economic one. The sector needs additional resources and the government must commit itself to finding them”.

“Many knots to solve and some thorny ones such as the professional organization of ATA staff in schools and the transitional rules for the placement of technical / administrative staff from the old professional profiles to the new areas in research institutions.
We hope like Anief to succeed, starting from January 19, to have a shared text and to get to the subscription relatively quickly”, concludes the note-
