Wake-up call: There’s still a queue for dental care | Golden Globe verticals shared | Fast food is getting more expensive

Wake up call Theres still a queue for dental care
The main news of the morning:

In the capital region, you may have to wait up to nine months for non-urgent dental care – leading dentist: the situation may ease by summer

Anastasia Burakova heads one of the most prominent anti-Putin networks and has a very dark picture of Russia

Zelenskyi asks the West for more modern weapons in the shadow of the expected Russian attack

The best films and TV series of 2022 have been awarded at the Golden Globe gala in the United States

The price of fast food is now rising wildly – we found out how much a hamburger costs in Finland

Water and snow

A new area of ​​rain will spread to Finland in the afternoon. The rains start as water in the west. Towards evening, the rains move further east and become snowier. In the west and south-west, however, the rain is also water in the evening.

Read more on ‘s weather pages.
