Crazy trailer with Joker star Joaquin Phoenix promises mindfuck trip of the year

Crazy trailer with Joker star Joaquin Phoenix promises mindfuck trip

Ari Aster has had an extremely steep career in recent years. After his acclaimed feature debut Hereditary, in which a post for one of the greatest WTF moments of the 2010s, he immediately delivered the next hit with Midsommar. And now comes Beau Is Afraid.

The posters have already caused a stir in the past few weeks and days. Now the first trailer reveals what exactly is behind Beau Is Afrai. The story centers on Beau, played by Joker star Joaquin Phoenix, who was very inferior to his parents during his childhood dominant mother has suffered.

Horror highlight 2023: First trailer for Beau Is Afraid with Joaquin Phoenix

Beau is Afraid – Trailer (English) HD

This trauma has clearly left its mark. Before Beau knows it, he finds himself caught up in another nightmare that tears him through surreal world of images lets escape. In just two and a half minutes, the trailer for Beau Is Afraid unleashes more wacky visual ideas than Aster’s previous two films combined.

The project was announced in summer 2020 under the title
Disappointment Blvd
. At that time it was said that a four-hour mixture of horror film and comedy awaited us. It is questionable whether this term is still up to date. Based on the trailer, however, there definitely seems to be a mindfuck epic hiding here.

Also remembered is the multiverse adventure Everything Everywhere All at Once, released last year numerous leaderboards has led. Additionally, Beau Is Afraid looks like Aster took inspiration from Michel Gondry and Charlie Kaufman, who wrote the fantastic 2004 Forget Me Not! have created.

When is Beau Is Afraid in cinemas?

In the US, Beau Is Afraid is said to be in April 2023 start in cinemas. It is currently unclear when the film will come to Germany. Due to the big names and the fact that Hereditary and Midsommer were shown in our cinemas, it shouldn’t be long before a local theatrical release is known.

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How do you like the first trailer of Beau Is Afraid?
