Pension reform in France: the moment of truth

Pension reform in France the moment of truth

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will unveil this Tuesday, at the end of the afternoon, the details of the pension reform promised by Emmanuel Macron during the campaign. We can expect turmoil in France in the coming weeks. The postponement of the legal retirement age, which will be announced on Tuesday, is already contested by all the unions which will call for the mobilization of employees. A battle in the street in perspective for the government, but also in Parliament.

Even before theexecutive announces its reform, we already know this morning that the government has hit with the Republicans. This was the whole point of the discussions with LR officials held in recent weeks by the Prime Minister: to achieve get the Republicans on board in the boat of the majority on this text. The reason is simple: without them, no majority in the Assembly.

And according to the Republicans who have exchanged these last days with Elisabeth Borne, it is done, the government would have aligned itself with what the senatorial right has been proposing for several years. ” There is therefore no reason why we should not vote on a text that we propose every year “, entrusts Bruno Retailleau, the leader of senators LR. Namely the passage of the legal age of departure from 62 to 64 years and the acceleration of the Touraine reform which provides for a full pension after 43 years of contribution.

But LR executives have set several conditions for the government, in particular the revaluation of small pensions to 1,200 euros per month, including for those who are already retired. The majority also intends to defend this measure in the parliamentary debate, according to Renaissance MP Pierre Alexandre Anglade. ” We are here to improve the text that the government will present, explains the parliamentarian. Making sure that the revaluation of small pensions also applies to all those who are already retired could be part of the amendments that we will table. »

The presidential camp and a majority of Republicans should therefore move forward hand in hand on this reform. A majority because some LRs, around ten, still refuse to postpone the legal age of departure to 64. The right-wing deputies must meet this Tuesday evening after the announcements of Elisabeth Borne to tune their violins.

Also to listen : Macron 2023: and now pensions!

Disagree to wait with far right and left

Since the start of the school year, the government has not even sought to negotiate with the far right and the left. Both camps are radically opposed to this reform. And it is to be expected that they will play the obstruction when the text will arrive in the hemicycle in February. By tabling a number of amendments. Whatever the reform detailed this evening, the National Rally has already announced the color. ” It’s a societal choice », recognizes the Vice-President RN of the Assembly Sébastien Chenu. ” We refuse to adopt a reform that even the COR (Pension Guidance Council) says it’s not necessary, continues Marine Le Pen’s right-hand man in the Assembly. This reform is unfair, we are proposing the return of retirement at age 60. A step back since 60 was the legal retirement age in France before 2010.

The left in search of compromise

On the left, we repeat that we will form a common front against this reform with the same demand as on the far right: a return to retirement at 60 years old.

But then, what is the contribution period? When you look in detail, it’s hard to see clearly. patron of the socialists, Olivier Faure, advocates a return to retirement at age 60, without affecting the current contribution period when the Communists speak of 37 and a half years. ” The debate is not yet settled “Booted Olivier Faure in the columns of the newspaper Release a few days ago. And the left will also have to decide on the means of action. Should we follow the unions or should the political parties organize demonstrations themselves. France insubordinate is for. Ecologists and socialists are against.

This is the hour of truth for the government, but also for the oppositions who are playing their credibility with this pension reform.

Read also : The pension reform, “We can not do it, but we must bear in mind what the impact will be”
