How to choose the right baby name: 8 steps to follow

How to choose the right baby name 8 steps to

Check its origin and meaning, pronounce the first name aloud with the surname… Follow these essential steps to make sure you don’t make a mistake when choosing your child’s first name.

How to choose the baby name? The one he will wear throughout his life, and which sometimes determines the character of the person. Indeed, depending on its history, its meaning or its origin, the first name makes you unique and proud, so don’t be mistaken! To help future parents make the right choice, Michelle Woo, an American journalist specializing in parenting, delivers some tips for finding the right first name. In addition, do not hesitate to think about the first name of your future child, as soon as you know the sex of the baby, during theultrasound. Girl or boy, the choice is still wide. Our advice to guide you better:

1 – Do research on the first name in sight, form an opinion

Do you have a preference for a particular first name? Do research on the personalities who bore this first name, on its history and its meaning. These investigations will allow you to make sure that your child’s future first name is not associated with a sad period in history or a serial killer! Check out our guide to names to do your research!

2 – A foreign first name? translate it

Do you appreciate exotic first names, those that make us travel by their simple pronunciation? You can get inspired Italian, Spanish, Scandinavian or other first names… But consider translating the first name into French. Some names have meanings of flowers for example, enough to make your choice very poetic, while others have slightly more religious connotations (Rafael means: God heals for example and Daniela: God is my judge). Finally, some first names refer to animals, such as Rachel, which means “sheep” or Leo, which comes from the word “Lion”. It’s up to you to choose according to your preferences…

3 – Choose the first name according to the character

Each first name has a meaning, but it also determines the character of your child. Before choosing, consider the personality that your baby could have. Some are rather shy, very close to their family, attentive and generous, while others are rather curious, reckless and independent… But whatever the case, they all have their little character!

4 – Choose a rare first name, but not too much

Parents want to make their child unique, and this is possible with a first name that is little or not yet assigned. By modifying the spelling or adding a few letters or syllables, rare and original first names are a real success. Aden, Eliad, Joao, Cassien or Dao for little boys, Evana, Fara, Laora, Laïa or Sohanne for girls… These little heard first names bring a touch of novelty and originality. But be careful not to want to stand out too much. Recently, a mother decided to draw inspiration from an Ikea catalog!

5 – Beware of diminutive first names and nicknames

You have chosen to name your child Alexandre, but know that he will probably be called Alex throughout his life. Jess for Jessica or Sam for Samuel. In this case, why not directly choose a diminutive first name for your child? Also watch out for first names that could easily become nicknames and be teased!

6 – Take the time to choose the right baby name

Some parents are sometimes taken aback when the baby is born. Because they weren’t expecting to have twins, for example, or because they chose not to know the sex of the baby before it was born. In this case, there is no need to choose the first name that corresponds to the current date. If you give birth on March 17, for example, find a name other than Patrick or Patricia. Stars also sometimes keep it simple, like Kim Kardashian, who named her third child Chicago because her husband Kanye West is from that city. “I wondered what it would be called. It was the hardest decision to make and I couldn’t think of a name.“, declared the star who admits to regret the choice of this first name.Chicago seems really long to me and it doesn’t fit, so I call it Chi. But she can decide later if she wants to be called Chicago or Chi”

7 – Maintain harmony between first name and last name

Harmony with the family name is also a criterion to be taken into account. If your surname is Renault, avoid naming your granddaughter Mégane, even if you are a car fan. Also think about the sounds, the first name should not be too difficult to pronounce. If your name is rather long, then opt for a short name, with simple spelling. You will save your child from having to spell and repeat their first name each time they meet.

8 – Chase away old first names, establish your “black list” of first names not to choose

Each of us spontaneously associates images with first names. A person, a song, an era in history, a book… These references can have a positive or negative echo that must be taken into account, given the frequency of use of a child’s first name on a daily basis! Example: if your half proposes the first name Laurent (cf. your first heartache), express your disapproval. Otherwise, you would risk regretting it very quickly: sobbing, your baby Laurent in your arms, and admitting this tragic boom when Prince Charming left you. In short, announce your blacklist from the start. And let your man do the same.
