Attempts are being made to open the US political deadlock again – watch the suspense drama in the House of Representatives live from 19:00

Attempts are being made to open the US political deadlock

The rebels of the Republican Party have already blocked the election of the speaker of the House of Representatives in six votes.

Attempts by the US House of Representatives to elect a new speaker have already been stymied six times by Republican insurgents.

Today, the House of Representatives continues its efforts to make a choice. The last time the election of the chairman stretched over several voting rounds was in 1923.

The Republicans have a narrow majority in the House of Representatives, so the chairman is chosen from the ranks of the party. Due to the opposition of twenty Republicans, the party’s presidential candidate Kevin McCarthy however, has not received the necessary support in the first six voting rounds.

The new chairman must get 218 representatives behind him. So far, McCarthy has received the support of a maximum of 203 delegates. Republicans have 222 representatives in the House of Representatives and Democrats 213.

The representatives of the Democrats have remained faithful to their own candidate in all the votes We’re looking for Jeffries with.

Trump’s pleas don’t help either

The House of Representatives, which has reached a political impasse, cannot begin its work until a new chairman has been elected.

News channel CNN (you will switch to another service) according to information, McCarthy has tried to persuade the rebel wing to support him by, among other things, promising a change, as a result of which the trust enjoyed by the chairman could be re-weighed in the future at the request of just one representative.

In addition, according to CNN’s sources, he is ready to give the hard-line group influence over the timetable for legal amendments and to take initiatives that are important to them into consideration.

Former president Donald Trump has appealed to the rebels, both publicly and on the telephone, to vote for McCarthy. However, the appeals have fallen on deaf ears.

Among Republicans, the actions of a small minority are already causing growing indignation.

– 20 people demand that 201 surrender to them unconditionally. Well, I’m not going to give in, Republican representative Trent Kelly told reporters after Wednesday’s final vote.

Republican representative John James has in turn accused the 20 rebels of ruling by fear.

Sources: AP, Reuters
