Medical video games reimbursed by Social Security

Medical video games reimbursed by Social Security

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    We often tend to talk about the negative side of video games. However, some of them are considered as treatments and may even be covered by Social Security.

    Far from the negative image that we can have on video games, they can sometimes be considered as real treatments. And even be reimbursed by Social Security.

    A game to treat vision disorders

    This is for example the case ofOdysight, a game involving a character, through which one is responsible for solving puzzles. Seemingly simple, the game is actually a way to assess vision and notify a doctor in the event of a significant change in visual acuity.

    The game is therefore prescribed by an ophthalmologist for patients who present a risk of visual impairment or certain pathologies such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

    An application funded by Social Security

    Since February 8, 2022, OdySight has been the subject of an Article 51 experiment, a system reserved for innovations contributing to improving the care pathway for patients and the efficiency of the health system.

    This experiment, supported by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, is a first step towards reimbursement. It makes it possible to compensate the doctors prescribing the application. OdySight is therefore the first telemedicine application in ophthalmology financed by Social Security.

    disease surveillance

    The video game is therefore not there to treat the patient strictly speaking. On the other hand, by performing games regularly, the game can immediately warn the doctor of an evolution of the disease.

    This makes it possible to avoid delays in care, but also control visits, which can be postponed if the patient is well. A system that generates health savings and is reimbursed by Social Security, also for this purpose.

    A game that actually treats patients

    In the United States, a game has actually been approved as a treatment for patients, after several clinical studies, like all drugs. This is the video game Endeavorx, an adventure game prescribed as a treatment against hyperactivity, recognized as effective in reducing or eliminating the symptoms of these children.

    Often decried for their harmful side, video games could also represent potential therapeutic avenues in the future.
