INAIL, support for family members of Covid-victim health workers is underway

INAIL support for family members of Covid victim health workers is

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Support to the families of healthcare workers victims of Covid-19. Following the collaboration agreement signed between the Department for family policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Inail, applications must be submitted by 4 March through the specific online service activated on the Institute’s website.

From January 3, 2023, family members of doctors and health professionals, social workers and social-health workers who died as a result of or as a contributing cause of the Covid-19 contagion will be able to submit the application online to receive the special economic donation provided for by article 22 bis of the law decree n. 18 of 17 March 2020, converted with amendments by law no. 27 of 24 April 2020 and subsequently amended by article 31 of decree law no. 17 of 1? March 2022. The special donation is provided through the resources of the Fund set up at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with a budget of 15 million euros. The methods for implementing the measure, regulated by the decree of 22 September 2022 of the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, in agreement with the Minister of Health, will be guaranteed thanks to a collaboration agreement signed last December between the Department for of the family of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Inail, which will provide the one-off economic donation

The application must be submitted to Inail by 4 March 2023, through the online service “Special family donations for Covid-19 victims” of the institutional portal, and must concern deaths that occurred by 28 December 2022 as a direct effect or as a contributing cause of the infection from Covid-19, which occurred in the emergency period between 31 January 2020 and 31 March 2022. The application can be presented individually by each beneficiary, cumulatively by one of the family members with a specific proxy or by a third party as a representative lawyer or delegate of the family member. Requests for further information and assistance can be made through the service “Inail replies”
