(Finance) – “The requests for the remodulation of the toll system by the motorway concessionaires are currently being evaluated by the competent ministries which are analyzing all the components of a very complex toll system, including the macroeconomic assessments on the impact of any increases granted”. This is what theAiscat in view of the end-of-year ministerial decree setting toll increases on the national motorway network starting from 1 January 2023.
“In Italy – continues theassociation of motorway concessionaires – motorway tolls have not undergone any increases since 2018, contrary to the provisions of current legislation”. Furthermore, the economic-financial plans of the various concessionaires, the association underlines, are “currently at different stages of approval and that any increases in toll will depend on the multiple management and investment components that characterize each concession activity compared to the others: the modernization and upgrading plans put in place by various concessionaires constitute an essential element for the safety and sustainability of the motorway network which must be considered a priority , also taking into account the generalized increase in the cost of raw materials”. In any case, Aiscat points out that the “average tariff increases proposed by the concessionaires are much lower than those already granted in other European countries with similar concession and regulatory systems ( is an example of it France with a +4.7 and Spain +4)”.
A toll increase was already announced last June by Highways for Italy. “Since 2018 we have never increased the tariffs – explained the ASPI CEO Roberto Tomasi -. We currently have a forecast of a 1.58% increase in tariffs, which compared to the numbers we are seeing are absolutely laughable. We are, I think , a system of concessions that is supporting this increase in prices, we must manage it with great prudence, as has been done. We come out on top – commented Tomasi – compared to the increases that all the other commodities have had in this period. laughable increase, linked to the approval of the economic and financial plan”. The tariff review, being already included in the Pef, – Aspi clarified – is previous and therefore not consequential to the current increase in material costs.
But faced with the increases, consumer associations are announcing battle. Any increase in motorway tariffs for the Aspi network will be contested by Absolute users before the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, in order to “block shameful increases in tolls that do not appear justified in any way”, Assoutenti announced last summer, commenting on the expected 1.5% increase in motorway tolls.