Turkey adventure for SpaceX Starlink is left for the next year

Turkey adventure for SpaceX Starlink is left for the

SpaceX Starlink LOG Image

Internet offering from space SpaceX Starlink service continues to grow, the service is constantly coming to new countries.

SpaceX Starlink For the project, the satellites loaded on Falcon 9 are sent to low earth orbit, thus increasing the coverage area and capacity of the system continuously. It is the last thing that brought Starlink, which can offer very high speed internet from space, to the agenda. The number of 1 million active subscribers had been exceeded.. Powerful service in use in many countries, previously 2023 It was said that he would come to Turkey in the year 2000, but with the subsequent update, no date was given for the Turkey operation. This situation has changed as of today. On the official website of the company update did more and It started to show that Starlink will be brought to Turkey in “2024”. However, of course, this is also not certain and the adventure of Turkey may remain until 2025. The system, which has been open for a long time in Greece, is now Africa and Middle East cannot be used centrally.

The one who brought the service to the fore above all There had been substantial approval from the FCC.. For those who missed it, the Company normally receives 29,998 units from the FCC. Starlink V2 He had asked permission to put his satellite into low earth orbit. After detailed investigations, A total of 7,500 satellites have been granted to SpaceX. This figure, which is much less than SpaceX originally wanted, but still high, has been limitedly focused on maintaining a safe space/orbit environment.


In line with this decision of the FCC SpaceXwill place 7,500 satellites at altitudes of 525 km, 530 km and 535 km. Thanks to these satellites, the company will reach an even greater coverage area. SpaceX’s second generation satellites, with the special equipment they carry will be able to provide satellite internet directly to smartphones, eliminating worldwide dead zones. This infrastructure will be combined with T-Mobile’s 5G network in the USA, thus making almost every place in the country a coverage area.
