In Russia, the war is visible in the New Year’s party buzz and in TV programs – gays are not welcome, but you can sing about nuclear missiles

In Russia the war is visible in the New Years

The year 2022 has been exceptional, and it is also reflected in the content of Russia’s most popular New Year’s program.

New Year’s is Russia’s biggest celebration, which includes TV entertainment programs closely.

New Year’s Eve is traditionally crowned by one of Russia’s most popular TV spectacles, the Goluboi ogonjok, i.e. Blue Flame, show on the Russian state channel.

The program’s popularity could be compared to the TV broadcast of the Suomen Linna celebrations.

In the pre-recorded show, popular Russian artists and public figures gather to celebrate the New Year with dance, songs and sparkling wine.

This year, the repertoire and artistry have been blamed particularly carefully. The software also shows Russia’s war in Ukraine.

For example, arrangements of Soviet-era songs have been added to the program and war heroes have been invited as guests.

“There are things that make me vomit”

The Goluboi ogonjok program has been made since 1962.

Gazeta-lehti (you switch to another service) says that during the Soviet Union, the main purpose of the program was to promote certain values. The New Year was a secondary point in the program.

In the Soviet Union, a special censorship commission ensured that song performances and toasts were in line with the party’s ideology.

In 2022, program choices still seem to be guided by “party ideology”.

Many representatives of the Russian cultural sector are criticized the program (you move to another service) that due to its strict political lines, the program numbers and jokes are not entertaining.

– There are things that make me vomit. One of them is the obstinacy of the state TV, comments the Russian singer on the program Lolita Milyavskaya Lentan (you switch to another service) by.

Only a special crowd can join

According to the program makers, popular public figures present at each moment are selected for the program.

However, there are fewer candidates for performers every year due to the stifling atmosphere in Russia.

For example, last year, Russia was represented in the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest Maniža. This year, he was not invited to the program due to, among other things, his political opinionsKomsomolskaja pravda (you will switch to another service) – magazine says.

The program makers have tightened the screen even more after Russia’s new gay propaganda law entered into force in December. It prohibits the presentation of sexual and gender minorities in a positive light.

Russian patriotic news agency FAN (you will switch to another service) says that artists who have betrayed their homeland, for example singers who have gone abroad and comedians promoting Western values, are not invited to appear on state TV entertainment programs.

Ukrainian artists who are popular in Russia are also not welcome on state TV broadcasts.

President Vladimir Putin the business launch that started in September has driven numerous representatives of the culture and entertainment industry out of the country.

The president has awarded many of this year’s invited guests and performers, such as the one who specializes in patriotic and nationalist songs Oleg Gazmanov.

There are also those with particularly close ties to the Kremlin, such as an ex-FSB officer who sings about nuclear missiles Denis Maidanov.

– There are the same, aged faces year after year. Miserable caricatures, dressed in curtains and decorated with trinkets, describe the Russian according to the news channel (you will switch to another service) songwriter of ballads Alexander Novikov.

Showy partying is considered inappropriate

In some Russian cities, the New Year’s celebration has been canceled due to a “special military operation” and the ongoing campaign.

About a third of Russia’s regions have announced that they have not budgeted money for New Year’s events this year. Mayor of Moscow By Sergei Sobyan announced already in November (you will switch to another service)that this year there will be traditional New Year’s fireworks.

In many cities, Russians have been urged to stay at home and watch entertainment programs on state channels, for example the Goluboi ogonjok program.
