Foxman’s unexpected friendship with the fox: “His name is Fox Foxman!”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

“In Småland’s Åseda we find an unexpected friendship – or maybe not. If your last name is Foxman, perhaps it is a given that you become friends with… a fox.”

That’s how it sounded in Sverigesvepet on August 23 earlier this year when we talked to Josefin Foxman who had received an unexpected visit. But it didn’t all start out as some extended love story. Namely, Josefine noticed that someone stole her shoes from the house’s balcony, and was at first rather annoyed than happy about the new acquaintance.

– But then I saw that he was very cute, and he was so curious about me so I thought we would become friends, Josefine said in Sverigesvepet at the time.

Now we call Josefine again to hear how the rare friendship went. Are the friends still together?
