‘It’s hard to believe that something like this…could happen here’

Its hard to believe that something like thiscould happen here

The shooting death of an Ontario Provincial Police officer has shocked members of the Hagersville community.

OPP Const. Grzegorz (Greg) Pierzchala, 28, was shot and killed when he responded to a report of a vehicle in a ditch at Indian Line and Concession 14 of Walpole on Tuesday afternoon, police said.

Clysen Popo, a traveling nurse, was on her way to see a client on Wednesday morning when she was stopped by a police road block.

“It’s disheartening.” Popo said of the shooting of the officer. “It’s just so unnecessary.

“I just have to wonder why.”

She was in the area working on Tuesday afternoon and heard a lot of sirens. She later learned that an officer had been shot.

On Tuesday, Charlie Spaparo, 63, was on Highway 6 heading into Hagersville at about 5:15 pm when he saw OPP cruisers everywhere.

He later learned that an officer had been shot and prayed that the officer would survive. Spaparo was saddened to learn that the officer had died.

“He was just doing his job, he was going to help someone and then he gets shot,” Spaparo said. “It’s just so wrong.

“We need to support our police because they are the ones who keep us safe.”

Spaparo said everyone in his family was aware of the situation as it unfolded and were huddled in their home.

“It was scary,” Spaparo said. “It was frightening for all of us.

“We’re not used to having things like this happen in our town.”

Bruce, a 72-year-old Hagersville resident who would only provide his first name, said the shooting of the officer made him nervous.

“It’s too close to home,” Bruce said. “Sure, we get crime here but nothing nearly as serious as this.

“It’s hard to believe that something like this, an officer getting shot and killed, could happen here.”

He also questioned why it took so long for the alert to come out advising residents of a dangerous situation.

The shooting occurred at about 3 pm The OPP issued an emergency alert at about 5:45 pm warning residents to shelter in place while they searched for the suspects who were believed to be armed.

“By the time the alert came out he (the suspect) could have been 300 miles away,” Bruce said.

Still, he said he is relieved to hear that police had two suspects in custody.

Randall McKenzie, 25, and a woman, who police have not named, are to appear in a virtual court hearing Wednesday afternoon.

Speaking at a news conference at Indian Line in front of police cruisers guarding the crime scene, Haldimand Mayor Shelley Bentley called the officer’s heartbreaking.

“It’s a sad day,” Bentley said. “Things like this don’t happen in Haldimand County.”

She said she was made aware of the unfolding drama shortly after 3 pm Tuesday and was kept learned of developments.

She said the community must come together and grieve.

He urged people to reach out for counseling if needed.



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