Baby at 23 months: sociability, language and behavior

Baby at 23 months sociability language and behavior

At 23 months, your baby is getting big! He is more and more independent and sociable. He asks questions about everything and shares his opinion with you… But also what he doesn’t like.

Your 23 month old baby is very curious: he likes to sing, look at his picture books. He is also more and more sociable, and now knows how to recognize his belongings and those of others. He also wins independence. His two years are approaching, he is no longer really a baby. Update on evolutions of a 23 month old baby in terms of language, behavior, sleep, food and health.

What is baby doing at 23 months?

At this age, the child is more and more sociable, especially if he is kept in a crèche or with other children: children of his age interest him. It may even begin to tie some friendships. He also really likes to imitate the grown-ups, his big brother who does stupid things, or his big sister who plays the guitar for example! He always tries to assert himself by pushing you away or refusing to hug you. But the next moment he wants the arms and a kiss. This is a completely normal attitude: it is the sign that he hesitates between independence and closeness. This shows that he is simply growing.

What is the language of a 23 month old baby?

From 23 months, your child now knows how to build sentences of two or three words. He also discovers singing and loves humming. He reproduces the tunes and rhythms, but also begins to remember the words of the songs he hears. He is no longer content to simply say no when he does not like something: he expresses himself in a clearer and more personal way by saying “I love” Where “I do not like“. This is also the beginning of the whys: why is the water flowing, why is it dark, why do you have to go to the crèche? He also knows how to describe in a few words pictures he sees in his little picture books. At 23 months, baby usually says several words and also begins to make more complete sentences.

My 23 month old baby can’t talk

Not all children are at the same language level at 23 months. If your child is developing well otherwise, is in the exchange and understands what is said to him, do not worry if he does not speak yet. He just takes his time! Some signs, on the other hand, can be worrying, such as the fact that he does not react to sounds, to his first name, that he does not produce any babbling and that he does not try to communicate. In this case, do not hesitate to talk about it with the pediatrician. This may be due to a delay or a more specific disorder. The doctor will do the necessary tests to find out what he has.

What is the behavior of a 23 month old baby?

At 23 months, baby grasps a lot. He understands certain instructions, simple orders and he knows how to react. Baby se also turns to others, he is less apprehensive of being with strangers or approaching others. He begins to distinguish his belongings from those of others, especially if he goes to nursery or if he has brothers and/or sisters. He gradually shows a particular attachment to his toys or the objects and clothes that belong to him. Baby’s behavior adapts according to the situation and he generally remains open because of his curiosity. At this age, the tantrums may still be present and certain beginnings of the 2-year crisis, also called the “Terrible Two” periodmay already appear.

When to start punishing baby?

If baby doesn’t listen to you and does as he pleases, it’s tempting to want to punish him. But before 2 years, a baby does not yet have the ability to understand what a punishment is. Nevertheless, he manages to understand the limits and the simple instructions that you ask him. It is therefore no need to punish a 23 month old babythe purpose of the punishment would not be understood and baby might even suffer from being cornered, scolded or deprived of toys.

Your child loves books, look at the pictures, and let you tell stories. He has his favorite books and asks for the same story every night. This reassures him, so do not hesitate to respond to his request. He is also very eager for discoveries: show him how things work, what this or that object is used for… In terms of activities, offer him to do some modeling clayto stick stickers on colored sheets, to use ink pads or to play with magic sand.

What does a 23 month old baby eat?

Baby meals at 23 months are very complete, there are 4 during the day. Your child continues to show preferences for starchy foods or proteins, and to refuse certain vegetables. The meal can still be a moment of tension when baby will show his opposition by starting to sort the food, thus refusing to eat it. Persevere and continue to offer them to him, under different recipes. Encourage him to taste, and praise him, but without overdoing it or forcing it. If your child is not constipated, trust him, it is just a phase. Rather than making each meal a conflict, accept that for the moment he only wants to eat pasta, he will be fine! At this age, babies still need to drink their bottle of growth milk or breast milk : one for breakfast and another in the evening for dinner. the to taste is still just as important for its growth.

Baby sleep at 23 months

At 23 months, babies usually still have need to sleep long hours, between 10 and 14 hours a day. The afternoon nap is always beneficial to him, it lasts about 2 hours. It is also important to maintain a bedtime schedule so that the child gets used to it. His Teddy also often becomes a precious object at this age.

My 23 month old baby doesn’t want to sleep anymore

It happens that around the age of 2, babies make seizures at bedtime. He does not want to sleep or does not want to stay in bed after a few minutes or just a few hours. Often, it is said to be linked to the “Terrible Two” period. If the child has a seizure to sleep, it is because he is largely unloading his strong emotions. He can also be frustrated or be in an opposition phase. In this case, it is not advisable to leave baby alone with his emotions, but to try to understand him and especially to reassure him. Maybe his bedtime routine isn’t working for him anymore, or he’s afraid to sleep alone in his room and feels insecure. perhaps also that his needs (of hunger, play, contact with his parents) have not been met during the day.

What is the weight and height of a 23 month old baby?

  • If your baby is a boy, at 23 months he is on average 87 cm tall and weighs around 12 kg.
  • If it is a girl, she measures on average between 85 and 86 cm and weighs between 11 and 12 kg.

It is customary to say that at 23 months, a baby is about halfway through its growth and that by multiplying its size by 2, we can have a fairly precise idea of ​​its size in adulthood. This is obviously a theory! Many events can actually slow down its growth, such as an illness for example, but especially the age of onset of puberty. On the weight side, some children will be very chubby while others will be in a phase where they eat less and will therefore stagnate a little. There is nothing worrying about that.

What size clothes does a 23 month old baby wear?

At the level of classic baby clothing sizes, there is no size 23 months. In general, the build of the child should help you find the right size of clothing. Age is often not the first clue to take into account, because a child of 23 months can very well wear 24 months or 36 months if he is tall and chubby, for example. If it is smaller it can be 18 months or even less. It is best to try the garment on your child to get an idea of ​​the size that corresponds to him. And don’t forget that from one brand to another the sizing can also change.

Baby health at 23 months

At 23 months, there is no particular medical appointment. If you wish, you can, from this month, make the 2-year compulsory medical visit.

Diarrhea in babies

The diarrhea is quite common in toddlers.

Diarrhea in a 23 month old baby can have different causes, but in general it is the consequence of a gastroenteritis. The main risk in the youngest is dehydration. It is therefore important that baby stays hydrated regularly.
