Amélie Fonlupt, girls of sodade

Amelie Fonlupt girls of sodade

Amélie Fonlupt publishes “La Passagère”, a sensitive first novel imagined as the learning story of a young girl from the Cape Verdean diaspora. A story between the melancholy of exile and the dream of a better future, told through the prism of three generations of women.

There are in-between novels. This could be an in-between novel. Three places, the West African archipelago of Cape Verde, Lisbon the capital of the colonial power, and Paris the city of new life. But, above all, three generations of women, grandmother Mamé, mother Reine, and daughter Lena, narrator of this family story in which the melancholy of exile, the dream of a better future and the fear of not not achieve it.

Between the heritage – so fundamental but sometimes so heavy – of the past, the daily difficulties of the present, and the aspiration for a better future, how to move forward and become oneself, by shedding obstacles, but while preserving the essential ? The answer may be in this first novel which strikes the chords of cavaquinhos, piano and writing.

The Passenger ”, ofAmelie Fonluptis published by Rivages

Rebroadcast of the program from Thursday, October 6
