Youth and politics: an undeniable divide?

Youth and politics an undeniable divide

Will youth abstention break a new record during the presidential election in France? There is concern less than a year after the regional election which saw an abstention rate of 87% in the first round among 18-24 year olds. Today a quarter of young people are “disengaged” according to a study carried out by researchers from the Institut Montaigne.

How to explain this situation ? Is the gap widening? Does political disengagement mean disinterest? How to renew the dialogue?

To discuss:

Stewart Chau, political scientist, head of political and societal studies for theViavoce polling institute

Haidar Hamid , treasurer and co-founder of the NGO Voted, which is committed to the electoral participation of young people

Laurent Lardeux, sociologist, in charge of studies and research at the National Institute for Youth and Popular Education (Injep) and associate researcher at the CNRS Triangle laboratory in Lyon. Co-author of the survey book “Disenchanted Generations? young people and politics” editions la documentation française and co-author of a book to be published on March 3 “Youth, from one crisis to another” editions Sciences po / Injep
