New crisis in the Russia-Ukraine war: Patriot! Putin used that word for the first time

New crisis in the Russia Ukraine war Patriot Putin used that

The claim that the USA would give patriot air defense systems to Ukraine was still on the agenda. Russia responded to these allegations and announced that if the patriots were given, the priority target would be the patriots. During the visit of President of Ukraine Zelensky to the USA, it was announced to the world that patriots would be given to Ukraine. While Russia reacted to this decision, Putin used the word ‘war’ for the first time.


In the Russia-Ukraine war, the USA announced that it would provide new weapons to the Kyiv administration. This aid also includes the patriot air defense system. Russia reacted sharply to this decision. The Kremlin reacted very harshly when the rumors broke out, and Putin used the word ‘war’ for the first time. Standing in front of the cameras, Putin said about the patriots, “We will find a solution to this.”


Putin announced that they did not refuse the talks, giving a glimmer of hope for peace. “The leaders of Ukraine forbade the negotiation on their own. Ultimately, all parties will sit down and negotiate,” said Putin. Russian military sources said that Kiev received more than $100 billion in money and weapons.
