US elections, Pacific (Anief): we are growing, we will not disappoint anyone

Teacher recruitment reform text in the Senate we are moving

(Finance) – In a society in which politics is progressively moving away from the Italian population, with almost one in two citizens invaded by a feeling of disappointment and who deserts the political vote in protest, the growing number of school workers who ask for and believe in trade union representation: although still provisional, the numbers published in these hours fromAran on the 2022 RSU elections say that compared to four years ago, 6% or more of the teaching and administrative staff voted: 961,908 teachers and ATA voting against 908,182 in 2018. Union memberships are also growing, not only among the teaching and administrative staff: as of 31 December 2021, according to the Aran report, a 25% increase in proxies was recorded of school principals (10,279, with various principals who have therefore activated more union cards, compared to 8,164 in 2017) to which must be added a 5% increase in teachers and ATAs, whose overall powers increased from 660,324 in 2017 to 693,494 in 2021.

“They are undoubtedly important numbers – he says Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – because they sanction the need and desire of school employees, tenured and precarious, to be represented and defended, since a substantial part of their rights is not reflected in the bland responses of the administration and in the often difficult working reality of all the days. The teacher, the educator, the administrative and technical assistant, the school collaborator, the Dsga, the cloakroom attendant and all the professional figures who work in the school are aware of how much ground, in terms of rights, has been lost over the years. And that everything must be done to recover it. We, like Anief, are with the workers and we work for them: in this context, having increased representation by over half a percentage point, because Anief is the only Italian trade union to have recorded an increase in representation in 2022 together with Uil -School, it’s an important signal. A signal that spurs us to do well and always better”.

“I can only thank – continues the leader of the young autonomous union organization answering a question from Italia Stampa – all the school workers who have given their preference and signed up for Anief: it means that the union way of doing things is appreciated. Of course, we will continue to work with maximum commitment for a fairer school, but also for the university, as well as for research institutions and for Afam.The goal is to never make anyone regret having chosen Anief for the protection of professional rights”.

Anief recalls that with the signing of the national collective agreement for the three-year period 2019-2021at the beginning of December, following the Union-Aran agreement a month earlier, There is no longer any obstacle to the full exercise of the representativeness of the young union: all representatives, the RSU as well as the many TAs linked to Anief or delegates, in each place of work for the supplementary bargaining in a school, university, research body, academy or conservatory, can participate fully in the supplementary bargaining national and regional.
