Meloni: Italy will not access the Mes. Trip to Kiev announced at the beginning of the year

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(Finance) – “As long as I count something, Italy does not access the month. I can sign it in blood.” The Prime Minister said, Georgia Melons, in his first guest television interview with Bruno Vespa which will be broadcast this evening. The reform of the Mes, he explained, “is not a big issue, the will discuss it Parliament. If we are the only ones who do not approve the reform, we also block the others”. In any case, he stated, “whether the reform is approved or not” Italy will not ask for access to the mechanism.

“I’m not a person who gets scared, the only thing that scares me is to disappoint”, he added, underlining that “the Italians they don’t expect you to perform miracles, they know that the situation is difficult and that it can change at any moment. They expect what you do is not for profit personal but to do what is right. I want to do what is right, in the interest of the nation”.

Meloni then announced that he will make a trip to Kiev in the first months of 2023. “I have to hear Zelensky – he explained – our diplomatic offices are in contact to hear from each other before Christmas. I want to congratulate the Ukrainian people, especially at this moment: this is the time when all the cultures of the world celebrate the light, and they live in the dark”.

In the afternoon the Prime Minister spoke at the Conference of ambassadors of Italy in the world at the Farnesina talking about Italy’s role in the world. “Peace in Europe and freedom are not taken for granted, you just need to go a short distance from here to see it” and “nothing that exists is taken for granted unless there is the awareness of having to defend it. Those who know geopolitics understand that behind the Ukrainian conflict there are much bigger issues that do not concern only Ukraine and Russia as some like to see,” he said. “Italy has sided with theUkraine clearly and without hesitation. The polar star remains that of dialogue for a just peace for the Ukrainians, the issue is complex, one cannot just declare peace to obtain it”, added Meloni. “The expense military it is necessary to defend its interests. If you choose not to defend yourself, someone else will do it for you, but then that someone else won’t do it for free,” she pointed out.

The Prime Minister explained that Italy’s positioning at the international level plays on three fundamental axes: theEuropethe Born and the UN – “the cornerstones of a foreign policy in which Italy intends to play a leading role” – and quoting the so-called “plan Matthew”, Giorgia Meloni addressed the Mediterranean issue both from a political and energy point of view and from the management of migratory flows: “we must strengthen the understanding with our partners especially in the Mediterranean and set up relations with all the other countries. The Europe must always be a global player. It is not smart to switch from dependence on Russian gas to Chinese electricity”.

“On the roof at gas price we achieved – referring to the recent European resolution – a significant victory. Many considered it difficult to obtain but we believed in it, also thanks to the previous government with the prime minister Dragons and the minister crawlers they did a great job.” “We were the leaders of a majority which allowed us to bring home a result to curb speculation”, she observed. In the long term, the challenge is “to return to producing power and diversify the forms of supplying”.
