Anxious drink more in times of crisis

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Facts: Alcohol consumption during the corona pandemic

Swedes’ total alcohol consumption fell during the pandemic years 2020–2021, compared to 2019. But wine drinking increased.

Consumption decreased by 3.5 percent during the pandemic, which is explained by the fact that both imports in connection with travel and smuggling decreased. Sales in restaurants also decreased. On the other hand, sales at Systembolaget increased.

Looking at different types of drinks, wine increased by 2 percent during the pandemic. That increase is part of a long-term trend, where wine drinking is increasing while the consumption of spirits is decreasing. Last year, wine accounted for 44 percent of total alcohol consumption, compared to 34 percent in 2001. The corresponding figures for spirits were 18 and 28 percent, respectively.

Source: Central Association for Alcohol and Narcotic Information

High electricity, food and petrol prices, falling home values ​​and increased unemployment – ​​these are some of the problems that follow us into the new year. In addition, there is a war going on in Europe.

— From what we could see in previous research and in the research project we are conducting, alcohol consumption generally decreases when you are in a worse financial position, states Björn Trolldal, researcher at the Central Association for Alcohol and Narcotics Information (CAN).

Increases alcohol intake

But it has also been seen at CAN that alcohol intake increases in certain groups.

— This applies, among other things, to many of those who feel a general concern about the crisis. This means that they increase their consumption. Then we also see in previous research that those who already had a high alcohol consumption before the crisis largely increase their consumption further during the crisis, says Björn Trolldal.

Jukka Törrönen, professor of public health science at Stockholm University, points out that alcohol consumption has been on a steady decline for almost 20 years. In total, consumption among Swedes has decreased by 15 percent since 2004.

Affects differently

But even if alcohol consumption decreases in times of crisis as a result of poor personal finances, Törrenen points out that every time of crisis has its variations, which can produce unexpected results in different groups.

Swedes’ alcohol consumption fell during the pandemic years 2020–2012 compared to 2019. During those years, total consumption decreased by 3.5 percent.

One group that, however, increased their alcohol consumption during the pandemic was the young, according to Jukka Törrönen, who studied the consumption patterns of young people in particular. In the long term, the reduction in drinking has otherwise been large in this age group.

— They felt isolated and started drinking more during the pandemic. It was a way to get a normal life back, says Törrönen.
