Magis, positive debut on Euronext Growth Milan

Be Shaping the Future delisting effective from December 28th

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Positive debut at Piazza Affari for Magis, a company active in the design, production and marketing of customized adhesive tapes, packaging products and incontinence closure systems. Magis, landed today on Euronext Growth Milan, was one of the first companies in the sector to carry out “hot melt” coating on polypropylene and the first ever to experiment with forms of protected printing between the plastic support and the adhesive mass. The stock trades at 10.7 euros per share, up 7% compared to placement price of 10 euros, after having also touched 10.99 euros during the morning.

Magis represents the twenty-fourth admission since the beginning of the year on the Borsa Italiana market dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises and brings the number of companies currently listed on Euronext Growth Milan to 188. During the placement phase, it raised 16 million euros, thanks to a pre-book promoted by Electa Ventures.

“We are proud to present Magis to the financial community, we intend to use the proceeds from the operation for our consolidation plan aimed at growth, aware of the potential of our company formed by a cohesive team which over the years has been able to achieve important and ambitious objectives – commented the CEO Mattia Blengini – Our focus has always been on innovation with specific investments in latest generation machinery and eco-sustainable products. Listing on the Stock Exchange will allow speed up and strengthen the development of our projects, also growing through external lines“.

“We are proud to accompany on the market, as already done with satisfaction with Sesa, IWB extension, Pharmanutra and digital valuea further Italian excellence, a “factory” among the best expressions of the specializations developed from the ancient presence of the chemical industry in our country, a European leader in the niche of customized adhesive tapes and sealing systems, with an aptitude for innovation product, numerous patents, know-how and ESG values,” he said Simone Strocchi, Founder & Managing Partner of Electa Ventures.

(Photo: © Antonio Truzzi | 123RF)
