Doctors were careless with drugs classified as narcotics

Doctors were careless with drugs classified as narcotics

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen The doctor’s shortcomings are judged to be so serious that his license is revoked. Archive image. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

The doctor in West Sweden was reported on repeated occasions for deviations in connection with his prescribing drugs classified as narcotics to patients. Now the Health and Medical Services’ Responsibility Board (HSAN) has decided to revoke his ID, reports Läkartidningen.

The decision is based on reports to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo) and concerns a total of 18 patients. Half of the cases are assessed as incompetence and the other half as gross incompetence.

In one case, the doctor prescribed large amounts of methadone and other narcotic drugs to a patient with known substance abuse problems, without any medical indication.

The doctor has also broken his documentation. Despite help from his employer, however, he did not manage to meet Ivo’s demands on that point.

It also appears that the police found prescriptions written by the man in criminal circles, which he explains by saying that he was threatened to prescribe drugs.

Overall, HSAN assesses that the shortcomings are so great that his identification should be revoked. The doctor has the opportunity to appeal the decision.
