Ukraine, Zelensky in Washington: meeting with Biden at the White House, then visit to Congress

Ukraine Zelensky in Washington meeting with Biden at the White

(Finance) – The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky landed in the United States where he will meet the American president at the White House Joe Biden and the vice president Kamala Harris. After the bilateral meeting, the two presidents will hold a joint press conference. US President Joe Biden believed that ”the right time” had come to sit down at the table with Ukrainian leader Volodymr Zelensky”, given ”the approach of winter” and assessing that ”the war has entered into a new phase,” the White House Security Council spokesman said in the afternoon, John Kirby. “It is a good opportunity for the two leaders to come face to face and to talk not only about what the United States is doing now and will continue to do in the future,” added Kirby.

Later Zelensky will move to Congress Use. The Speaker of the Chamber, Nancy Hairy, waiting for the Ukrainian president tweeted: “The battle for Ukraine is the battle for democracy.” He then added “Slava Ukraini” – which translated means “Glory to Ukraine”, the official salute of the Kiev armed forces. According to American media, the United States is considering designating Russia as one “state attacker”. Senators and deputies would in fact be working on the proposal and would like to receive Volodymyr Zelensky’s ok during his speech to Congress. The designation of “aggressor state” is less strong than that of “state sponsor of terrorism” requested by many legislators but which meets with resistance from the White House, worried about the possible consequences it could have in relationships diplomats between Moscow and Washington also with regard to the exchange of prisoners.

Meanwhile the US State Department announced that it will supply Ukraine with the advance Patriot air defense system to help counter airstrikes from Moscow. Some rumors in recent weeks had anticipated today’s announcement. In a statement, the US secretary of state, Anthony Blinkencommunicated the green light to this new military aid package for Ukraine by $1.85 billionwhich for the first time includes the Patriot missile system.

According to the Global Times, the tabloid published by the People’s Daily, the press organ of the Communist Party of ChinaZelensky’s visit to Washington aims to raise more help military and thins the prospects of peace.

From Moscow instead the Russian president Vladimir Putin he announced that his country will soon deploy Sarmat ICBMs, considered the flagship of Moscow’s new military programs. To the statement, which came just before the expected announcement of Washington’s green light to send Patriot missiles to Kiev, Putin also added that the new Zircon hypersonic cruise missile will be included in the Russian fleet in early January.
