Left – here they meet again on a date after Love for all

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In Farmer is looking for a wife – Love for all, Wilma left the program after she couldn’t handle the pressure and it became emotional when she was about to leave. Henrik couldn’t hold back the tears when she left but chose to date Elin in the end. Elin and Henrik’s relationship did not last and after the recordings, Henrik and Wilma contacted each other. They decided to meet on a date.

– There is potential, says Henrik after the date that was shown in the last episode of Farmer seeks wife – Love for all.

See how Henrik and Wilma’s date went in the player above.

It happened later: Did they continue dating?

For TV4, Henrik talks about what happened after the program. Did he and Wilma continue dating after their TV reunion?

– We continued to keep in touch for a little while, then it unfortunately ran into the sand, he says.

He believes the distance is the main reason why it didn’t happen.

– I live in the middle of the forest six miles north of Östersund. She wasn’t into such cold winters with lots of snow. It felt like that was where it squeezed, he says.

“A Carousel of Emotions”

They now have contact as friends instead. Watching Farmer Seeks Wife – Love for All on TV has brought back many emotions, and they talk after every episode, he says. They have talked about seeing each other and sorting everything out.

– It was a huge rollercoaster of emotions, it was like the whole Gröna lund!

After the recording with all the impressions, he went into the forest and lived in a tent for a couple of days to get away from everything and adjust.

– I lived like a forest savage: A medieval man. I needed to get away from everything, he says.

“Feeling Hope”

Henrik is still single but is still ready to meet love. He’s been getting a lot of love on social media and tons of messages from people interested in dating.

– Maybe I should have a northerner who can withstand the cold. I might get into that pile and start rooting soon!

The program has made him evolve and he has a feeling that love will appear soon.

– Feeling more hope than I ever have, he says and adds:

– I think she will show up behind the tree one day!
