Dwayne Johnson announces setback for DC career

Dwayne Johnson announces setback for DC career

Few things are as bizarre as the Black Adam bargaining we’ve witnessed over the past few weeks. After a major marketing campaign in which lead actor Dwayne Johnson tirelessly launched a groundbreaking DC film promised, the project stumbled after a good start.

Not even Henry Cavill’s Superman cameo could transform Black Adam into a box-office hotshot. Now it is clear: Johnson’s DC era is overbefore it even really got started. On Twitter, the actor confirms that the sequel Black Adam 2 should not be expected in the near future.

Doubtful DC sequel: We can wait a long time for Black Adam 2 with Dwayne Johnson

Johnson doesn’t completely rule out the possibility that one day he’ll throw on the fierce antihero’s cape again. Nevertheless, he makes it very clear to his fans that Black Adam for the time being not part of the new DC Universe which is currently being formed by James Gunn and Peter Safran.

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After 15 year history, which Black Adam has behind him, this is a bitter conclusion. But the signs are clear: Gunn and Safran aren’t interested in dragging along what’s left of the old DC Universe. Cavill has also publicly said goodbye to his Superman role.

Was Black Adam successful or not?

Black Adam currently has worldwide almost 400 million US dollars recorded. That sounds like a lot of money. Based on the Hollywood Reporter’s sources, however, the box office gross is set against a budget of $260 million, not to mention additional marketing costs. For a superhero blockbuster of this magnitude, 400 million US dollars is clearly not enough.

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Would you have liked to see Black Adam 2 with Dwayne Johnson?
