Go Sport: will stores close?

Go Sport will stores close

GO SPORT. Will Go Sport stores close? The situation of the company, in great financial difficulty, is examined this Wednesday. An investment in cessation of payment is not to be excluded.

[Mise à jour le 21 décembre à 14h21] Final whistle for Go Sport? The future of the chain of sports stores is at stake this Wednesday, December 21, 2022. The commercial court of Grenoble (Isère) is looking into the financial health of the group, the same which held Camaïeu, whose judicial liquidation was pronounced at the end of september. Go Sport has been facing significant financial difficulties lately and the court must decide whether or not the brand is viable.

According to the auditors, the company would have a debt of 36 million euros. What to fear the placement of Go Sport in cessation of payment, while “today, the stores are empty”, according to Géraldine Rey, CGT Go Sport Grande Place delegate, with France info. The media also claims that the suppliers are no longer paid, explaining the situation in the shops.

According to a report by the auditors and an independent expert, the company has been insolvent since October-November. The management wanted to be reassuring and presented elements affirming that the company was going to recover and was not in such an alarmist situation.

234 stores for 2,600 employees

In total, Go Sport represents 234 stores throughout France and has 2,160 employees. Thus, given the scale of the situation, the commercial court considered that there was “an urgent nature and that it was necessary to act quickly” in order to try to avoid the same situation as for Camaïeu which, at the end of September, had to disappear, causing a loss of employment for 2,600 people. Behind these two situations, one and the same man: Michel Ohayon.

If the cessation of payment were to be characterized by the Commercial Court of Grenoble, a receivership procedure would then be opened. With an upcoming social plan to straighten out the channel’s finances? This is what the staff representatives fear. The government will be “attentive” to the decision and “whatever happens, will be alongside the employees if ever a difficult decision is taken in order to allow them to reposition themselves and find work”, promised Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate in charge of SMEs, on France info.
