Partner, the tattoos, family and what she works with

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

With noise and a bang got away Cecilia Duringer and the pair horse Jonathan Unge to the final and won a crushing victory in På Spåret 2021, the first year they competed.

Now it’s time for year two in the popular SVT program for the couple Düringer/Unge.

News24 have collected what is most googled about Cecilia Düringer.

Here’s everything you want to know about On Track 2022-2023: All dates, participants and teams

Cecilia Düringer’s family

Cecilia Düringer grew up in the countryside on the Östgöta plain.

– I don’t come from a high-class environment, but from a small village in the country. In a family without educational capital, she has said in a previous interview with Today’s news.

– However, my mother encouraged studies and reading and I much rather read than practiced any sport.

Does she have a partner?

Cecilia Düringer has a partner named David Rune. In DN, she says that her partner was the producer who evaluated the pilots of P3 Historia, and that he then fell in love with her voice and way of reading.

What does Cecilia Düringer’s tattoo mean?

IN The evening paper says Cecilia Düringer about her tattoos, which consist of two lines that start just below the little finger and go down the forearms.

– It’s funny that they arouse such fascination. They did that with my students too, and now in recent years when they are seen on TV and in pictures in the media, people sometimes come up and want to take pictures of them. Nice that two straight lines, perhaps the most minimalist thing you can tattoo, make people curious.

IN The Express she further explains that they mean absolutely nothing.

– There is no story behind them except that I am extremely fond of sharp lines.

What does Cecilia Düringer do?

Cecilia Düringer is a high school teacher in history and Swedish. She works as program manager for P3 History and writes teaching materials. In 2021, she published the textbook Punkt Litteraturhistoria.

Here is everything you want to know about journalist Hanna Hellquist – who has been on På spåret several times
