Simple companies, De Lise (accountants): “Increasingly widespread tool in Italy”

Simple companies De Lise accountants Increasingly widespread tool in Italy

(Finance) – “A survey to learn about a rapidly spreading tool, that of simple companies. A very flexible type of company, which however requires particular attention in civil, tax and governance terms: skills that can allow interesting opportunities for specialization”. That’s what he says Matteo De Lise, president of the National Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, presenting the2022 survey by the Ungdcec Study Center Foundation on the territorial diffusion of simple society.

“Simple partnerships are particular companies, very streamlined in terms of compliance, created for the use of agricultural enterprises and subsequently also used as holding companies to hold shares. From here – he underlined DeLise – the curiosity and the desire to deepen this theme”.

The investigation was conducted on 95,107 simple partnerships active and duly registered in the Business Register. “There is a trend towards the diffusion of the instrument throughout the national territory, with a prevalence for the northern regions – he explains Francesco Puccio, president of the Ungdcec Study Center Foundation –. Over the last twenty years, the main activity carried out by simple companies is agriculture (68 per cent), which has grown in recent times also thanks to the phenomenon of millennial farmers; in Piedmont and Liguria the real estate business remains predominant”.

A further element of attention is the growth of companies destined for the management of assets and shareholdings, mainly in large cities (Turin, Milan, Genoa). “Topic of great relevance – he concludes DeLise – because it affects leading Italian business groups and also because the stability law currently being approved will lead to incentives for this instrument”.
