“The United States is ready to meet and repel any threat to allies”

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On Monday morning, Russia claimed that US-made robots have struck on Russian soil. The Russian Ministry of Defense also made a statement that “the United States and Russia are now on the verge of direct confrontation”, pointing to the increased risk that a protracted war in Ukraine could bring.

In any case, the United States is fully ready to meet and repel any threat to the country’s allies. This is what one of the US’s highest military officers, Chief of Staff James C McConville, told TV4 Nyheterna during a visit to Stockholm on Monday.

– The conflict in Ukraine affects the entire world negatively, so it is probably in everyone’s interests to seek peace and security and we must protect that, says James C McConville. We must not take it for granted.

See the interview with the American chief of staff in the clip above
