Committee: “Put Donald Trump on trial”

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The chair of the committee, Republican Liz Chaney, came down hard on Donald Trump, saying he was unfit to hold office in the United States.

– Our president did not accept the election results. “Among the most egregious things we found was that he was sitting in the White House watching television and witnessing the storming of Congress, doing nothing,” Liz Cheney said as the committee began its final meeting.

In the investigation, over 1,000 witnesses have been heard and over a million documents have been examined. It is said to have concluded that after the election loss, Trump pressured officials, the Department of Justice and Vice President Mike Pence not to accept the election loss.

The investigation has been ongoing for a year and a half and has examined the ex-president’s actions before and during the storming of the Capitol.

Trump: “Witch Hunt”

Advisers to the president are said to have warned that there was a risk of violence, something that Trump then allegedly ignored. This is documented via a text message conversation between Trump and his former communications director Hope Hicks. The latter then allegedly urged Trump to tweet out a message to his followers, this reports CNN..

The investigation by the House of Representatives is not legally binding, but serves more as a call to the US Department of Justice to bring charges against the former president.

Donald Trump himself says that the investigation is part of the “witch hunt” that is going on against him. He has previously announced that he will stand in the next presidential election.

The text is updated.
