Elon Musk is letting Twitter users decide whether he will continue running the company

Elon Musk hinted that he would go to war against

Elon Musk took a poll on whether he should step aside to lead Twitter. Musk has previously made decisions about the service based on surveys.

Twitter owner, billionaire Elon Musk has again decided to turn to the users of the service in the decision regarding the company.

Musk is now directly asking the people of Twitter whether he himself should step aside to run the company.

– I intend to act according to the results of the survey, Musk writes in his tweet.

Musk tweeted the survey a little before two thirty on Monday in the morning Finnish time. By half past four in the morning, more than 6 million users had answered the survey. About 57 percent of them were in favor of Musk’s departure.

– As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for, because you may get it, Musk your tweet (you will switch to another service) shortly after the survey was published.

Musk has previously made decisions based on the results of Twitter polls.

For example, in November, he conducted a poll on whether the former president of the United States should Donald Trump’s return the account to the service. Based on the opinion poll, Trump’s account was returned to the service. More than 15 million users voted in the poll.

Musk officially closed the deal on Twitter in late October. Since then, Musk’s actions at the company’s management have drawn criticism from time to time.

For example, last week it was reported that Twitter had closed the accounts of journalists who had written critically about the platform and Musk.
