These are the 10 most wanted games on Steam 2023

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

As we near the end of 2022, we want to know from you: Which game release on Steam are you most looking forward to next year? We have listed the 10 most popular games on the platform as possible answers. But you can also name your own favourites.

2022 is coming to an end. The year brought us some successful releases on the gaming platform Steam, such as the indie vampire hit Vampire Survivors or the acclaimed cat game Stray.

With the end of the year approaching, we would like to take a look at the long-awaited new releases that 2023 has in store for us. We want to know what you think and which Steam game release you’re most looking forward to next year.

As a basis for voting, we used Steam’s “Most Wanted” list as a basis and included the 10 top titles as options in our poll (list as of December 13, 2022).

Here you can find the currently most popular MMORPGs in 2022:

These are currently the 7 most popular MMORPGs in 2022

This is how you can vote: Tell us your top release for 2023 on Steam in the poll. The rules apply: Everyone has only one vote and you cannot change your choice afterwards.

If your most desired Steam game is not one of the games mentioned in the list, simply tick the last point “None of the listed titles” in the survey and write us your most desired game title in the comments.

Important: It should be a game that will be available on Steam and which is either scheduled to be released in 2023 or has “coming soon” on Steam.

Feel free to tell us why you are particularly looking forward to this one Steam release. Have you heard good things about the game, or did a particular trailer totally grab you?

Have you been waiting for your desired game for years or did you only recently find out that the game should be released on Steam in 2023?

Let us know in the comments and have fun voting!
