“Musikhjälpen” brought in 54 million

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Facts: Songs and artists

Most wanted songs:

Shervin Hajipour – “Baraye”

Hooja – “Banana Melon Kiwi & Lemon”

Freddy Kalas – “Hey Ho”

Thomas Stenström – “Do you see the moon where you are tonight? (Together again)”

Kent – ​​”Without Your Breath”

Most wanted artists:


Håkan Hellström

Thomas Stenström

Shervin Hajipour

Miss Li

The presenters Tina Mehrafzoon, Klas Eriksson and Oscar Zia entered the glass cage on Kungstorget in Gothenburg on Monday evening and came out on Sunday evening – 144 hours later.

This year, the audience had 849,928 engagements. The collection remained at a total of SEK 54,517,949, just over SEK 200,000 more than last year.

— I am so very happy and proud of everyone who has contributed, created commitment and helped in different ways, so that we could do this. I am very grateful. And proud of myself, everyone who has worked on this and everyone who donated money, says Klas Eriksson shortly after he came out in the winter evening.

— In much of the darkness you hear, there is also a lot of good on the other side.

“Everyone has a story”

The theme this year was “for a safer childhood on the run”. The money will now go to improving the lives of children and young people who have fled from war and conflict.

Klas Eriksson has been most touched by the “heavy stories” that this year’s traveling reporter, Parisa Amiri, has shared.

— I think I will look at people in a different way, people who come from other parts of the world. Everyone has a story. It is otherwise easy to lump refugees together into large crowds. You get perspective on what people on the run go through, and above all children then, he says.

Iranian song most wanted

In total, over 70,000 song requests have come in during the week. Most requested song is Iranian Shervin Hajipour’s “Baraye” – which has become something of a leitmotif for the Mahsa Zhina Amini protests in Iran – and most requested artist is Gällivareduon Hooja.

The result of this year’s collection is the second highest ever. The peak was in 2017 with 74 million.
