6 out of 10 Swedes fail in crisis preparedness

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

When was the last time you purified water? To meet the requirements for crisis preparedness, the answer should be sometime in the last 3 years, but it is a requirement few achieve. A new survey by SIFO shows that only 4 out of 10 Swedes are ready for a crisis.

Now the authorities are calling for home preparedness – that one should manage without the help of society for a week.

– It is serious that not enough people have tried before a crisis. You have to try it in a practical way: cooking without electricity, knowing how to dress or storing enough water, says Friluftsfrämjandet’s general secretary Kristina Ljungros.

Reporter Nadya Norton takes the temperature in town in the player above: “The best water reserve is the toilet, I know that. Maybe not in the hole itself…”

You should have that at home if there is a crisis

  • Radio that runs on batteries or with crank/solar cells.

  • Flashlight and headlamp with extra batteries.

  • Bottles and cans of clean water.

  • Food that does not need refrigeration or freezing. Food that can be eaten directly or cooked without water.

  • Storm kitchen and fuel. Preferably use outdoors.

  • Sleeping bags, blankets and warm clothes.

  • Matches, candles, tea lights.

  • Kerosene lamp and fuel, for example lamp oil or kerosene. Remember to have good ventilation.

  • Alternative heat source powered by kerosene, LPG, diesel or wood.

  • Home pharmacy, for example first aid kit, wound care, any important medications.

  • Hygiene items, such as wet wipes, hand sanitizer, diapers and menstrual pads.

  • Extra batteries, charged power banks.

  • Cash, if payment cards stop working.

  • List on paper with telephone numbers for family, relatives, neighbours, hospital, municipality, emergency services, electricity supplier.

  • Source: MSB
