When and how to sow broad beans?

When and how to sow broad beans

Beans (Vicia faba) are easy-to-grow vegetables that are highly valued for their light nutty flavor. With pods of various colors and sizes, choose a variety adapted to your region and your tastes.

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very rich legumesthe beans are annual vegetables to be sown directly in the vegetable garden. The feet will be covered with white flowers and then beautiful pods filled with beans.

When to sow broad beans?

Depending on where you live, there are different times of the year for sow the beans. In the South, take advantage of winters soft to sow the beans in fall, from October to December. Elsewhere, wait until February or March to put the seeds in the ground. Not chilly, however, you can anticipate these early vegetables by sowing them from January under a tunnel, a frame or a forcing veil, gradually removing the protections, as soon as the temperatures become mild.

How to sow beans?

Choose a sunny location because the beans need heat to develop. Then, work the soil deeply so that it is loose and bring, if necessary, compost to enrich it. Mix everything well so that the seeds are not in direct contact with the compost, even ripe. The soil should be cool throughout the crop.

Here are the sowing steps to have beautiful beans:

  • along a cord, trace a furrow 10 centimeters deep;
  • place seeds, spacing them 10 centimeters, all along the furrow or sow pockets, in groups of three to four seeds in each hole, spaced 35 centimeters apart;
  • cover the seeds with one centimeter of soil;
  • tamp down gently with the rake;
  • water lightly.

Do not forget to stagger the sowing in order to take advantage of the bean harvests of long months.

How to maintain the bean seedling?

As soon as the sowing is done, mulch soil to prevent weed growth and maintain soil moisture. Once the feet are 15 centimeters high, hoe them. With a hoe or a weeder, gather the soil all around to form mounds. Throughout the culture, restructure the mounds in order to maintain the rooted feet well. During the flowering period, pinch between the thumb and forefinger the ends of the stems that are placed above the sixth start. This will help the good development of the pods and limit the presence of aphids, greedy with very tender young extremities. If the cultivated varieties are tall, plant stakes to guide the stems and prevent them from bending under the weight of the wind or pods.

You can harvest the beans three months after sowing, to take advantage of the six to eight beans per pod, which you will eat cooked or raw.

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