It spreads from person to person! At the slightest sign, rush to the hospital

It spreads from person to person At the slightest sign

Pointing out that there is an increase in applications to outpatient clinics with scabies, Dermatology Specialist Dr. Cemile Karabaş said that the disease caused a significant decrease in the quality of life of the person. Explaining that scabies is frequently seen especially in communal living areas and indoor environments, Karabaş noted that the disease starts with itching and rash and is transmitted from person to person.

Scabies is transmitted from person to person

Avoiding close contact with people is one of the most important rules to be followed in order to avoid man-to-person-transmitted scabies. Dr. Karabaş said, “Recently, there are many patients who have applied to our polyclinic with the complaint of itching. The vast majority of them are also scabies. Scabies is transmitted from person to person. Especially close contact, 10-15 minutes of contact, living in crowded environments increase these risks. When the first signs of itching in the body are applied to our outpatient clinic, it is diagnosed early and treatment is started earlier. Progressive lesions are prevented, and transmission is also prevented. For this reason, we welcome our patients to our polyclinic when there is the slightest complaint of itching.”



Dermatology Specialist Dr. Cemile Karabaş stated that the symptom of scabies first started with itching in certain parts of the body. He drew attention to the itching that started between the fingers, navel area, wrists, armpits and chest area. Noting that the severity of itching increases at night, Dr. Karabaş stated that severe itching causes sleep problems in patients and that scratching in public can also affect them psychologically due to reasons such as embarrassment and hesitation.


Karabaş also gave information about what needs to be done in the treatment process of scabies and said, “Clothing, sheets and covers should be washed in the machine at 60 degrees. Items that cannot be washed or come into contact with should be kept in an airless garbage bag for 10 days. Again, carpets should be swept frequently and close contact with people suffering from itching should be avoided. In such cases, one should not go to many guests and crowded environments. They should be very careful not to infect other people. In the treatment of scabies, we apply mostly permethrin, sulfur-containing drugs and mixtures.
