But finally no! What wokism? This only exists in the deranged minds of militant fascists! And even if it existed for real, would it be negative? These are the new Lights! Awakening to the discrimination that must be fought, as our ancestors fought against the Nazis! The “cancel culture”? Which cancel culture? Ah! Are you talking about this so healthy approach which consists in erasing everything that can upset, hurt, recall the darkest pages of History? But this is not “cancel culture”! You do not understand at all !
What you call “cancel culture” is benevolence: taking into account the sensitivities of all individuals, recognizing small daily wounds, erasing words, characters, monuments that offend, steer, kill slowly! Really, you are not there, you refuse progress, humanity, the future rid of the unhealthy dross of the past! Really ?
Science Po ballroom dance teacher Valérie Plazenet resigned after eight years of good and gracious service, because she did not want to apologize and change her vocabulary. One or two students were outraged that Valérie Plazenet stubbornly refused to use the terms follower-leader instead of men and women. Which in Wokistan amounts to a crime of sexism and homophobia, resulting in making dancing unbearable for our bone-aware students. One morning you wake up happily in your biological sex and you suddenly discover that this is an insult! Silence this sex that I cannot name! Because to say “sex” is to bully gender. Dear reader, don’t panic: myself, I still have a lot of trouble mastering the vocabulary of Wokistan which, moreover, only exists in minds sick with fascism!
Science Po, capital of “Wokistan”
The accusation of homophobia is a tad more surprising. Homosexuality being the union of two human beings of the same sex, how can one be shocked to hear man and woman pronounce aloud again? Iran being in the spotlight, did you know, dear reader, that if homosexuality is punished by death in the land of bearded men and crows, transsexuality is recognized there and sex change operations reimbursed by mullahrchy? It is the same in Pakistan and other countries where people die of being gay.
Because subversion comes from homosexuality while transsexuality sets the record straight. This inappropriate, even criminal, desire for a human of the same sex was therefore a mistake of God, a failure in the making! We rectify the situation and men and women (oops!) can love each other naturally ! Nothing surprising in the end in the capital of Wokistan that is Science Po. Remember, at the end of June 2022 – what should have been a national scandal – the censorship of a seminar entitled “Biology, evolution and gender”. Darwin being persona non grata at Science Po, is it so surprising to see the ballroom dance teacher who dares to be feminine and masculine censored? But rest assured: it’s for your good! Deconstruction goes through the liberation of sex in favor of the proclamation of gender! Is the prestigious Science Po becoming a factory of imbeciles injured by the reality of their crotch?
The “cancel culture” is the weapon of the ignorant, the club of the uneducated, the purgatory of art. The other case I want to tell you about didn’t take more than two days to do its damage. Censorship fell on Bastien Vivès, cartoonist, to whom the Angoulême festival wanted to devote an exhibition: he was “cancelled” by a sling that wanted his skin and obtained it for apology of incest, child crime and child pornography. He is also criticized for his misogyny. Of course, the picture of his crimes would not be complete otherwise. So a monster. A designer who dares to draw what disturbs and disturbs. Who is questioning. I confess to being one of his readers and having discovered him with Polina, where through the destiny of a young dancer, he causes us emancipation and art, sacrifice and beauty. He also dabbled in satirical pornography, which made me happy and laughed. Bastien Vivès does not do pedagogy, he does art. He does not make judgments, he puts life at the tip of the pencil, even disgusting, especially taboo. He does not make good feelings, he evolves in the gray zone, he walks in fantasies, in the unmentionable layers of the human psyche: “Art flies around the truth, but with the firm will not to get burned”, as Franz Kafka reminds us.