NY Times: Russia is using old Ukrainian missiles as decoys against Ukraine

NY Times Russia is using old Ukrainian missiles as decoys

Ukraine handed over the Kh-55 missiles to Russia in the 1990s as part of the so-called An agreement based on the Budapest Memorandum, in which Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in return for guarantees of territorial integrity.

According to the New York Times newspaper (you will be transferred to another service) Russia uses old Ukrainian Kh-55 missiles designed in the 1970s against Ukraine.

The Kh-55 is a long-range cruise missile that can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. Ukraine handed over the missiles to Russia in the 1990s as part of the so-called Budapest Memorandum agreement.

In the agreement, it was agreed that Ukraine would hand over its nuclear arsenal in Russia, and Russia would guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity in return.

Ukraine says it has found the remains of three Kh-55 missiles in the country.

According to Ukraine, the bomber that Russia used to transport and fire the missiles was also part of the equipment that Ukraine handed over to Russia.

Deputy Chief of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Army Vadim Skibitsky told the New York Times that Russia used Ukrainian-made missiles as decoys to try to get Ukraine’s air force to respond.

As Ukraine’s air defenses focused on these decoy missiles, Russia launched modern and more destructive missiles at it.

After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Ukrainian army has correspondingly gotten its hands on a large number of weapons abandoned by the Russian forces, which it has been able to utilize.

According to the Wall Street Journal newspaper, Ukraine has received even more Russian equipment than it receives arms aid from Western countries.

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