A case “orchestrated by the Ministry of the Interior”? Quatennens’ suspicions about his legal setbacks

A case orchestrated by the Ministry of the Interior Quatennens

In a river interview granted to La Voix du Nord, the rebellious deputy Adrien Quatennens denounced a “political” affair which, according to him, could have been “directly orchestrated from the Ministry of the Interior”.

[Mis à jour le 13 décembre 2022 à 20h00] For three months, the Quatennens affair has caused a lot of ink to flow. Tuesday, December 13, while the justice sentenced him to four months in prison suspended and 2,000 euros in damages for non-pecuniary damage, Adrien Quatennens decided to grant his very first interview since the start of the case to The voice of the North. The opportunity to deliver his truth. It was during this river interview that he returned to the leaks of certain information in the press. “It’s obviously political,” he immediately posed, setting the scene. And to justify: “A less visible deputy would probably not have been the subject of the same treatment. The opportunity was too good to shoot down the main spokesperson and coordinator of La France insoumise.”

What about the origin of the leaks? “Several concordant sources tell me that this was directly orchestrated from the Ministry of the Interior”, he also declared, before tempering his remarks, confident that he was not “able to affirm it [lui]-even today”. One certainty, however: “It’s fast, efficient and very selective. Everything incriminating against me in the proceedings has been leaked. On the other hand, when it comes to the inconsistencies of my ex-girlfriend, this is not the case.” Did the media sort through the information or did the people who orchestrated the leaks All options are on the table for Adrien Quatennens.

As a reminder, it all started with an article published on September 14 by The chained Duck. Article which then revealed that Céline Quatennens, the wife of the deputy La France insoumise, had filed a handrail against him for alleged acts of domestic violence. If he had admitted on Twitter to having slapped his partner during an argument in 2021, or even having sent many text messages “to try to convince her that [leurs] couple difficulties could be overcome”, Adrien Quatennens then quickly withdrew from his duties and, more generally, from public life.
