Record-high emissions from forest fires within the EU

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The total emissions from forest fires from the countries within the EU and the UK are between June 1 and August 31 the highest since 2007, according to figures from Copernicus, which is part of the EU’s space programme.

In some regions of France, Spain and Portugal, total emissions for the same period were the highest in the last 20 years and led to a deterioration of local air quality.

It is the warmer and drier weather conditions that lead to increased fire risks in forests and land. Emissions from vegetation fires are also increasing in North and South America.

Regions in Paraguay and Argentina recorded record emissions between January and March, and in June and July large and persistent wildfires occurred in Alaska and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada, resulting in smoke being transported into the Arctic Circle.

In the state of Amazonas in Brazil, the highest emissions from fires were measured in July-August in the last 20 years.
