Ewiva, Caleno: “Our goal is to create an easy-to-use capillary network”

Ewiva Caleno Our goal is to create an easy to use capillary

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – She’s born Ewivathe joint venture created by Enel X-Way and Volkswagento give a boost to electric mobility, presented today in Rome on the day of the inauguration of the first charging station in Rome, in Via Flaminia 871. Federico CalenoCEO of Ewiva explained what are the aspirations and development prospects of this new reality committed to e-mobility.

“We aim to infrastructure the country with high power charging stations. A capillary network, easy to use, which allows the customer-user of an electric car to also make long journeys”.

“Ewiva was born with a budget of over 230 operating sitesi, with which high-power recharges are supported, and with 750 recharge points. Our plan provides to arrive at 3,000 charging points by 2025 in around 800 sitestherefore creating a capillary infrastructure throughout the national territory, which makes it possible to break down any barrier in considering the electric car a valid tool, unique and alternative to the internal combustion vehicle”.
