no news of the German priest who disappeared three weeks ago

no news of the German priest who disappeared three weeks

While we learned this weekend of the release of a German aid worker kidnapped four years ago in Niger, it has been more than three weeks since we have heard from the German priest Hans Joachim Lohre, who lived in Bamako, Mali. Father Ha-Yo, as he is affectionately known by his community, disappeared on November 20. Since his disappearance, no news, no privileged track. His relatives remain hopeful.

His cross was found on the ground, near his car, next to marks that seemed to indicate an altercation. Since he missed the mass he was expected to attend more than three weeks ago, no news from Father Ha-Yo. This priest of German nationality has been living in Mali for thirty years.

Brother Patient is the spokesperson for the Crisis Committee set up at the Islamic-Christian Training Institute (Ific) in Bamako where Father Ha-Yo teaches. ” The Malian police came to investigate, as did the security services of the country and the presidency too, he explains, reached by telephone by David Bachefrom the Africa editorial staff. Everyone came for information but so far, we have no leads… One day or another perhaps, we will have news… »

No claims, no ransom demands were received. Jihadist or villainous tracks, act of hostility towards the Christian community: no hypothesis is privileged.

So, between concern and hope, the time has come for mobilization and prayer. ” There is a mobilization at the level of the Christian and even Muslim community because he worked a lot on inter-religious dialogue, resumes Brother Patient. There are prayers and gatherings every day, morning and evening. We carry it in our prayers; even The Crown of Christ the King made a prayer chain of support. »

To date, the German authorities have made no statement about the disappearance of Hans Joachim Lohre.

Read also : Twenty months of captivity in Mali for the French journalist Olivier Dubois
