Frida Karlsson bursts into giggles after the unexpected meeting with Therese Johaug – reveals the embarrassing

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Frida Karlsson had a fond reunion in Beitostölen.
When Norwegian ski queen Therese Johaug appeared as a reporter.
But the Swede is also embarrassed and bursts into a huge giggle when she is asked questions about the meeting with the Norwegian.

There were double podium places for Frida Karlsson in the Norwegian Beitostölen during the weekend. Which means that the Swede has had an absolutely brilliant start to the season and is second in the overall World Cup standings.

Frida & Johaug

But alongside the sporting side, the 23-year-old also had a fond reunion in Norway. When the Norwegian ski queen Therese Johaug suddenly appeared in a completely new role during the World Cup.

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221209 Therese Johaug, expert commentator of NRK, during the FIS Cross-Country World Cup on December 9, 2022 in Beitostølen. Photo: Vegard Grøtt / BILDBYRÅN / code VG / VG0385

Namely as a reporter for the Norwegian television channel NRK, which is the 34-year-old’s new job after his active career. Instead of making up the ski track, Johaug instead had to interview Karlsson over the weekend.

READ MORE: Maja Dahlqvist’s big criticism after the Norwegian success start – and unexpectedly gets approval in Norway(!): “It’s strange”

Special meeting

It was still quite different, the Swede admits afterwards.
– She sort of started by asking: “How is it to compete without me?”. Nah, but it was cool, says Frida in a television interview with the Norwegian Dagbladet.

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Frida Karlsson is interviewed by the Norwegian Dagbladet and bursts into laughter. PHOTO: Dagbladet TV

Frida Karlsson was then asked what it was like to be interviewed by a former rival. And of course it was special.
– It was good. But it felt like we were talking as usual, it was a bit silly like that, she says in the interview.

Frida embarrassed

But it also became a little embarrassing when Therese Johaug’s well-known book came up. Karlsson got it as a present from the Norwegian and jokingly said that she would keep it in the toilet as a “dassbook”.

READ MORE: Frida Karlsson’s criticism of the Norwegian rivals – now reacting to the move in the middle of the competition: “Maybe it was a…”

However, she did not want to bring that up with the Norwegian, and Frida was therefore embarrassed and burst into a big giggle when Dagbladet asked about Johaug’s book.
– Well, I didn’t talk about that part in particular. We save it, haha, says a laughing Frida Karlsson in the TV interview.

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