Moroccan-born nonuplets return to Mali this week

Moroccan born nonuplets return to Mali this week

The nine one-and-a-half-year-old siblings born in a Moroccan clinic on May 4, 2021 are expected soon in Mali. A discovery alongside their parents from Timbuktu.

It was indeed aboutan exceptional birth. Nine babies from a single pregnancy born by caesarean and prematurely, whose survival like that of their mother had been made possible by the mobilization of several doctors in Mali, the Malian authorities and the medical team of the Aïn Borja clinic from Casablanca.

There will therefore be many emotions in perspective when it is necessary to say goodbye to the team of nurses and doctors who have accompanied the nonuplets on a daily basis since their release from the Aïn Borja clinic. They lived for a year in a convalescent home with their mother. Their father was going back and forth. The couple already had a first daughter, Soda, who remained in Timbuktu.

A delegation from Mali

When it is necessary to take the plane to Bamako, Halima Cissé may think back to the flight she took pregnant in the other direction in March 2021. It was then an emergency management of this multiple pregnancy at very high risk. From Timbuktu to Bamako, several Malian doctors had mobilized to have her transferred to Morocco and give every chance of survival to these babies who were thought to be seven in number, and who will turn out to be nine on the day of the caesarean section!

In principle, takeoff is scheduled for Monday, December 12 in the evening. A government delegation came from Mali to organize everything and because it will take nine pairs of knees and arms to carry these nine children during the flight. On the phone this Sunday, December 11, the couple said they were very happy to finally be able to return to Mali together. The nonuplets and their parents received the team and a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records on Friday in Casablanca.

► To read also: Malian nonuplets born in Morocco: from Timbuktu to Casablanca, the story of a medical epic
