Huawei and Oppo announce cross-licensing agreement

In a brief press release, Huawei and Oppo announced the new cross-licensing agreement. The patents include technologies such as 5G, Wi-Fi, and audio/video codecs.

Since the announcement doesn’t go into details, it can be assumed that Huawei has provided connectivity technical information, while Oppo will provide Huawei with audio and video-related patents. As some of you may know, Oppo has a long history in high quality audio and video consumer electronics.

The statement says this is a win-win situation for both companies and we agree. Huawei has been cornered by US sanctions, so a cross-licensing deal with Oppo could eventually enable some 5G technologies to be used by a company that sells products outside of China. Only time will tell the true extent of this collaboration.

The explanations made by the brands are as follows;

Alan Fan, Head of Huawei’s Intellectual Property Department, “After more than 20 years of innovation, Huawei has developed a portfolio of high-value patents in the global market in areas such as 5G, Wi-Fi, and audio/video codecs.” said. “We are very happy to have reached a cross-licensing agreement with OPPO. Mutual recognition of intellectual property value between companies is a big step towards fostering a positive cycle of innovation and research at high value standards: investing, generating returns on investment, and then reinvesting. This will enable our industry to continue to innovate and provide consumers with more competitive products and services.”

AdlerFeng, “We are very pleased to enter into a patent cross-licensing agreement with Huawei. This clearly demonstrates that the two companies appreciate and respect each other’s intellectual property. This is a win-win deal for both parties.” said. Chief Intellectual Property Officer of OPPO. “As always, we will advocate for the establishment of a sustainable, healthy intellectual property ecosystem where intellectual property licenses can be resolved through friendly negotiations and where the patent value of each company is highly respected.”
