Your bitching helped – Blizzard is increasing the quest log, giving you more space

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It took a long time, now Blizzard has just reacted. The quest log in World of Warcraft has been increased, you can now accept more quests.

World of Warcraft players have a hard time parting with things. Be it beautiful animal sets, any old collectibles, ancient crafting materials – or even quests. But quests in particular often become a problem, since you can only accept up to 25 missions at the same time in WoW. At least so far. Because Blizzard has significantly increased the limit in the quest log.

What was the problem? While 25 quests are probably enough for the Dragon Isles alone, many players still have quests that are difficult to part with. This can be a quest from an old raid, or really long-term tasks, such as from the garrison, where you have to kill 500 characters of a certain people – a mission that can last for months.

Abandoning such quests would mean giving up weeks or months of progress, which is why many find it difficult.

What has been changed? With a small hotfix, Blizzard has lifted the current limit of 25 quests in the quest log and increased the limit to 35. From now on you can accept and pursue 10 additional missions. For twinks, this means that you can redeem even more quests at the same time, for example if you are leveling in an area where there are a lot of missions at the same time (e.g. Outland).

But it’s also great for everyone else who really wants to accept every mission in passing and doesn’t want to despair later on finding the one missing exclamation mark on the map.

Blizzard accumulates many “easy wins”: In the community, what Blizzard is doing in World of Warcraft is called collecting “easy wins”, i.e. “easy victories”. This refers to improvements to the game that are relatively easy to implement, but drastically improve the gameplay for many players. An increase in the quest log has been requested for many expansions. Many see the fact that Blizzard is willing to introduce this “on the side” as a good sign.

What do you think of the change? A consistently positive thing? Or are you groaning because you will now have even more tasks in the quest log that you will never redeem?
